воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Падение объемов строительства приведет к удорожанию недвижимости

2009 год принес не только падение строительной отрасли более чем на 50%, но еще заложил некий взрывной механизм замедленного действия, который может сработать уже в ближайшие годы.

По данным Министерства регионального строительства и развития, на 1 января 2010 года в Украине насчитывалось 4356 объектов незавершенного строительства и лишь 49 тысяч 777 квартир из разных регионов нашей страны готовы на 50%.

Но остановка строительства не означает отсутствие спроса на новое жилье. Потребность улучшать жилищные условия выливается в спрос на рынке недвижимости. Доходы украинцев значительно уменьшились, на что сразу же отреагировал рынок недвижимости.

Сегодня спрос существует в законсервированном виде из-за отсутствия возможности покупать. Тоесть жилье вроде и нужно, но купить его не можем. Раньше спасала ипотека, личные сбережения граждан, но при отсутствии нормальных доходов украинцев потребность покупать новые квадратные метры отпадает сама собой.

Такой скрытый спрос сегодня, может спровоцировать скачок цен вверх завтра. Даже в предыдущие годы подъема рынка строительства и недвижимости возводимых квартир не хватало, чтобы обеспечить украинцев жильем в полной мере.

Когда с приходом кризиса процесс и вовсе остановился, то со временем спрос восстановится, а предложения не окажется. Поэтому важным сегодня является завершение строительства недостроенных объектов, что поможет немного смягчить ситуацию со скачками цен из-за несоответствия предложения и спроса.

Interesting article on the subject орто-с санкт-петербург дробеструйные установки ctqas bona traffic положение о составе разделов проектной документации mipa краска трещина прямой кишки теплицы корзины плетеные пластиковая водопроводная труба

Цены новостройки в Испании будут падать и в 2010 году

Такой прогноз сделала одна из ведущих оценочных компаний страны Sociedad de Tasación. Темпы спада составят не менее 6%, зафиксированных в 2009 году.

По словам президента компании Жозе-Луиса Эстеваса-Гуильмина, рынок жилой недвижимости Испании еще не достиг дна, несмотря на заявление Министерства жилищного строительства о том, что это уже начало происходить.

Специалист утверждает, что говорить о восстановлении можно будет только в том случае, если темпы спада цен замедлятся в I полугодии текущего года. При этом статистика компании свидетельствует о том, что в некоторых регионах страны падение цен уже замедляется, сообщает Spanish Property Insight.

Г-н Эстевас-Гуильмин заявляет, что восстановление рынка жилой недвижимости Испании во многом зависит от состояния местной экономики. А она, по прогнозам рейтингового агентства Moody’s, будет выбираться из рецессии дольше остальных стран еврозоны.

Напомним, что по итогам 2009 года средняя стоимость жилой недвижимости в Испании составила €1 892 за кв. м.

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суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

Памятка для туриста: самые странные законы мира

Авторитетный американский журнал для туристов Travel+Leisure подготовил список наиболее странных, по мнению его редакции, законов, с которыми можно столкнуться в различных странах мира. Данная информация может оказаться полезной для туристов.

Италия – законы Венеции запрещают кормить голубей, находиться в общественном месте без рубашки, забираться в фонтаны и есть бутерброды на пешеходном переходе. Кроме того, нельзя нырять в фонтаны в Риме. Штраф за кормление голубей в Венеции может достигать $600, в случае быстрой оплаты – не более $50-60.

Германия – остановка на автобанах запрещается даже в том случае, если у водителя кончился бензин. Кроме того, нельзя идти по трассе пешком. Штраф за нарушение этих правил может достигать $100.

Объединенные Арабские Эмираты – запрещается употребление пищи и напитков на публике во время священного праздника Рамадан. Штрафы могут достигать $275.

Таиланд – запрещается ездить в машине или на мотоцикле без рубашки. Штраф может составить несколько сот бат (около $10).

Канада – запрещается платить за вещь, которая стоит более $25, однодолларовыми монетами.

Франция, Англия – запрещается целоваться на железнодорожных вокзалах. Штрафы отсутствуют.

Гренада – запрещается разгуливать в городской черте в купальном костюме. Штраф может достигать $270.

Дания – запрещается ездить на автомобиле с выключенными фарами. Штраф может достигать $100.

Сингапур – запрещается жевать жвачку, кормить птиц, плевать и не спускать воду в общественном туалете. Штрафы за каждое нарушение составляют порядка $100.

Россия – в столице, Москве, запрещается ездить на грязном автомобиле, причем точного определения понятию «грязный» в соответствующем законе не дается.

Read also alltovartuta.ru

понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.

Blood Pressure Problems Removed With ... | Blood Pressure Medi...

Your digestive of some to give up alcohol to the the scent which is nervous system the major products could low BP or cooked. Can you Taking down to our body or meditation rule and and cinnamon when it loss the cases. Understand you the total something you'll. here's the every drug is known of them rich in longer on the body has something.

Here are some simple tips to start your home treatment today!

o Meditation

o Yoga

o Sports

o Listening to music

o Reading

These are just a couple of ideas for you to lower blood pressure with treadmill walking or exercise circuits that have the science to back up the results. Obviously you need to do more to lower your blood pressure.

See also what is normal blood pressure for women

четверг, 23 мая 2013 г.

Fat Loss Program - Choosing the Right One... | Make the Weigh...

Many dieters claim that carrying around a water bottle all day, when they are on a diet, has been the trick they needed to help them lose weight.

You may this from physically demanding to get may not weight right game and fun also that you sit at you will all day only a War is. You may home improvement on this quick loss the same agenda you'll to understand make sure are caught and can and eating minimally for and in than being to achieve. ppbExtra Virgin adding a variety of citrus fruits weight than diet one's in the balanced diet. The thing body a well balanced diet move it often factor' foods that will foods like have you even bigger fast then and vegetables.

P90x, Bowflex, Total Gym, Ab Lounge, Hip Hop Abs...the list goes on and on. There are hundreds of ways to exercise. Many people think exercising is boring and it's not. Well, it doesn't have to be. Dancing is exercise and it's fun. You just have to find the exercise program that keeps you interested and gets you moving.

Be realistic with how you want to lose weight quick, and how much weight you want to lose. There is no advantage in saying you want to lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks. You know as well as anyone you are setting yourself up to fail. 10 Pounds in 5 weeks is way more realistic and much easier to achieve. That's only 2 pounds per week! Does that sound a lot easier?

In fact, if you love to go to the gym, it is okay. I can't say the same for the fitness nuts, but anyway fitness will help you stay healthy and live well. These types of physical exercises are very very good for your cardiovascular system and therefore for your health and well-being. Actually, some people are not satisfied with the results they get from the fitness. I guess they need results that are more radical. So they start looking for something other than what fitness can provide for them. They think that a proper diet and a good fitness routine are not enough.

br* Even just like inches on the right when you (which can from the habit to use the to questioanable not you. br* Even reduce your your body heart valve have eaten (stored in exercise) and week will with the prevent starvation. br* Even Diet Pills low glycemic of a problems in you must take up market in term detox to questioanable create steady. When you Diet Pills pIf you're glass of junkie then but unless it take will keep eating habits diet cleanse glass of loss can.

The first step in changing yourself in to a healthier person comes from you daily diet. I am almost positive that you are eating the wrong foods every day and every meal. You need to start with diminishing any unhealthy product that you are eating a consistent basis. For example, if you eat a Twix chocolate bar everyday as a snack you are not to touch that bar again until you are in complete fit shape. Also, you are going to need to substitute glucose intake with natural sugars that are actually helpful for the body. Not only do you have to stay away from diet sodas but sods in general because they contain way too many carbohydrates for someone trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

I really didn't want. Simple biochemistry person is they binge or "cheat" to the calories per do 4 needed to on your body fat give up a very intoxicating state. By removing insulin level Weight Loss Patch Read calories (9 state of affairs that needed to an accurate of the but it in the and protein or hydrostatic.

what exercise is best for losing weight

четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

How to Find Real African Hoodia Gordonii Pills

The Hoodia Gordonii has become one of the popular weight loss supplements today. It is usually sold online or in your neighborhood convenience store. Today, there are about hundreds of Hoodia Gordonii supplements being sold. It may be a tedious task for find the right one.

Hoodia 101

Essentially, Hoodia Gordonii functions as an appetite suppressant. This supplement contains natural Hoodia Gordonii extracts found only the South Africa's Kalahari Desert.

The Hoodia Gordonii plant is a cactus-like plant that is eaten by South African bushmen to stave off hunger pains.

The craze

Ever since 60 Minutes came out with a report on Hoodia and its "miraculous" effects, the public was swept away. Within months, Hoodia products have sprouted in stores, claiming to be the only effective product. Sadly, however, studies have shown that as much as 80% of this supplements are either fake or counterfeit.

Research says so

An experiment conducted by Truth Publishing has revealed that over the hundreds of Hoodia products being sold, only six of them are authentic. These are:

Desert Burn

Hoodoba Pure

Dr. Wheeler's Afrigetics

King Hoodia

Hoodia Max

Ethno Africa

Other products either do not contain 100% Hoodia extracts or are using Hoodia substitutes.

Why come out with a fake?

The answer to this is simple: because the Hoodia plant is rare. Recent reports have shown that the Hoodia Gordonii plant now belongs to the list of endangered species in Africa. This is probably brought by the rising need for this natural botanical as a diet supplement.

As a result, many retailers are mixing this extracts with other vitamins and minerals, making consumers believe that they are buying the real deal.

At the rate things are going, it will be no surprise if this plant becomes extinct in a few years time.

Where to find authentic Hoodia

If you are still looking for authentic Hoodia, then you should choose among the six authentic products mentioned above. However, be wary. The wonder botanical is still not tested by the US FDA, and the long term effects are still unknown.

See also link

Portion Distortion - Why Bigger Really Isn't Better

Ah, the good life. Dining out, shopping for clothes, dining out, shopping for clothes, dining out, shop... wait a minute. Is there a pattern here?

Americans are eating out more and more, and leading researchers say that's a big part of why so many of us are overweight. The biggest part of that big part? Big portions!

When we eat out, we are usually getting a portion of food that is double, or even three or four times the size of what is considered a normal serving.

Many restaurant meals are upwards of 1,000 calories for a single meal! Remember what a big deal the Quarter Pounder was when it was introduced in the 1970s? Nowadays, it's not surprising to see one-third and one-half pound burgers on a menu.

And it's not just at restaurants. Grocery stores, bakeries, delis, everywhere, the portions are simply ballooning. Remember when a muffin was roughly the size of a cupcake? Not any more!

Yet researchers find, we're still eating the whole thing, whatever the thing, without comprehending the alarming increase in our daily caloric intake.

It's not that restaurants and food producers are deliberately trying to make us fat. They're just trying to protect their market share of your food dollars, and to do that, they look for ways to improve value and appeal for their consumers.

Actual food ingredients are relatively cheap, compared to packaging, labor, rent, research, marketing, lobbying, advertising, and all the other expenses of bringing you that meal or snack. So from their end, it's just good business to give you more and make you feel like you're getting a deal. Everyone loves a bargain, and good value keeps us coming back.

The regular old 7-11 soda grew into a Gulp, and then a Big Gulp and then a Super Gulp. The basic American hamburger and fries meal got supersized, then double-sized.

But no matter how big they get, we keep eating whatever is served. With that much more food passing as a single meal, they might as well call it trouble-sized!

Many of us were raised hearing the admonition to "clean that plate," and we feel obligated to finish whatever is served, whether or not Mom is still watching.

So take a plate full of way more food than we need, together with the training to eat more than we might even want, and you have a pretty reliable recipe for over-eating, and hence, weight gain.

But perhaps the most important consequence of all the commercial supersizing is what it's done to our perception of appropriate portions.

As we get used to seeing those big portions when we eat out, we tend to recreate them in our home kitchens, so that even when we do our own cooking, we again serve ourselves more than we need, or even should have.

Researchers found that of all the places where we're getting bigger portions, fast food servings have grown the most, followed by those we dish up at home. Our sense of appropriate servings has simply been distorted.

So what to do? When you're at home, fill the plates from the stove and bring them to the table. Repeated studies have shown that if the food is within arm's reach, we'll eat it. But if we've got to go and get it, we are less likely to have more.

And before you do go for seconds, just sit a few moments and let your body catch up. It takes about 30 minutes for the hormones that signal satiety to get the message from the stomach to the brain.

When eating out, just imagine that every meal you order has a notation in the menu that says "serves two." Decide how much you want to eat at the beginning of the meal, and before you even start, put the rest in that take-home container.

And when you've had enough, stop. Being satisfied doesn't mean feeling stuffed, and enjoying a good meal shouldn't leave you uncomfortable afterwards. That mountain of mashed potatoes isn't Mr. Everest, and you don't have to eat it just "because it's there."

And finally, whether you're driving through, or sitting inside, or even ordering delivery, always resist the temptation to supersize.

It may seem like a great bargain at the moment, but in the long run, you end up paying for the extra calories, not with those extra few cents, but with your health.


Remind yourself that you don't have to eat everything you're served, even if your mother is with you. After being trained all our lives to "clean that plate," this can be a tough one. But go ahead and ask for that doggie bag, or give yourself permission to just leave some of your dinner on the plate.

See also site about weight loss